Summer School

Summer Reading Challenge 2014

This year, the Craftyguidelets have been given homework to do during the school holidays. School work for a 5yr old and her 7yr old sister in the holidays?   Shouldn’t they be enjoying themselves?

It’s not boring study though.   Their new teachers have given them a blank A4 book to fill in with whatever they want.   There is a sheet glued in the front giving ideas, but it could be anything they want to do.

The Craftyguidelets like ticking things off so we are using some of the suggestions, and we have already worked on a diary for our holiday in Cornwall.   I have started a new smashbook, and they are using this idea to illustrate their diary with photos, entry tickets, leaflets and owl feathers, as well as drawings.

Also on the list are ideas based on their topics when they go back.   5yr old Craftyguidelet has the Great Fire of London, which will mean a trip to the Monument and St Pauls, stopping off at the Museum of London to see their War, Plague and Fire gallery.   While we are there, we’ll visit the London Before London gallery for 7yr old Craftyguidelet’s Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age topic.   For me, we’ll have collected lots of Show and Tell material for next term to avoid the last minute scramble at 8.29am for something topic related.

From: Books About Town

Another activity we’ll be trying is the Books About Town trails.   Each trail has around 15 book benches to find, and there are 4 trails to choose from.   I’ll be searching for the Dr Seuss bench on the Riverside Trail.

Eldest will be learning about Claude Monet next term.   This will give me the opportunity to share my favourite painting with her – La Gare St Lazare – at the National Gallery.   I used to go to the Impressionist gallery a lot when I was younger and am looking forward to rediscovering it.

There are also suggestions for nature walks, creative writing and art projects, to go with our plans for the library’s Summer Reading Challenge, loom bands, gardening, lego, Minion Rush, Brownie badge work, Rainbows summer treasure box, music, drama workshops, play dates, fancy dress catwalk shows, baking, playing and craft days.

Less than a month to go until the holidays end.   Best get a move on!

Breaking up is quite easy actually!

photo (3)

July, you are history.   You were good, but I guess it was never meant to last.   Our 31 days together had it’s ups and downs, but I’ve moved on.   I’m with August now and we’ve got plans.

As I type this, I am waiting for the imminent arrival of baby nephew for a sleepover.   July, you never met him.   It seems a bit premature in my relationship with August to make introductions to my extended family so soon, but the timings of things just happen like that.

August and I also have plans for husband’s birthday to share together.   The Craftyguidelets have big designs for a birthday cake that will put Master Baker and Confectioner Grandad to shame if it comes off.   What they plan to do with a pack of icing and a gluten free cake recipe will have them on Bake Off before you know it.

Ah, the Craftyguidelets will miss you July.   The month in which they left their old classes at the end of term.   And we’ll always have the week in Cornwall that we shared.   We won’t forget you as we get the photos printed off to put in their school topic books.   And Brownie Craftyguidelet will put together the evidence for her Friend to Animals badge and Gardener badge that she worked so hard for with your glorious sunshine to inspire her.

August has also promised me more time for crafting.   I need to get the shop sales up so I can meet my fundraising target for the year.   I also want to create for me and you just didn’t allow me enough spare time for that.   I’m also going to spend more time with the Craftyguidelets.   Lots of day trips are planned to keep them busy, and loom band sessions for when I need to be busy!

So July, we will always remember you, and perhaps a break of 12 months or so will strengthen our relationship to give it another go.

Craftyguider x

Calling all Brownies


Right-click to download high-res image

2014 is the year that Brownies celebrate their Centenary.   All members of Girlguiding from Rainbows to Adults have a Big Brownie Birthday Challenge badge that they can work towards so we can join in with the celebrations, even if we aren’t Brownies.   Challenges take inspiration from various milestone years in the last 100 years in the Brownie programme.
All Section Challenge Woven Badge1957 was Baden-Powell Centenary year (being 100 years since the birth of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting and Guiding) and Brownies did six World Good Turns on the theme of Houses of Today and Tomorrow.   On the evening of World Thinking Day (22nd February), all members put lights in their window to celebrate the joint birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell.
In this Brownie Centenary year, and also Hertfordshire County’s Centenary year, Girlguiding is challenging as many members and former members of Guiding to put a light in their window on the evening of 22nd February.   It doesn’t matter if you were thrown out of the Brownies (if I had a pound for every time…) or if you have your 40 year service award, put a light in your window to remember Robert and Olave Baden-Powell’s birthday and the contribution they made to the lives of millions of people around the world.

Time to dig out those Christmas lights again and think of something imaginative for my window.

What are your memories of Guiding?

Best laid plans…

You know those days you’ve been looking forward to for ages?   Not the big event days like birthdays or holidays.   Just the ones where your diary is clear, you’ve nothing much that you have to do, and lots that you want to do.

Today was my day.

The house was reasonably presentable, the kids would be at school, lunch was defrosting in the fridge and the ‘to do’ list was ready.

However, the rain came down and the floods came up (if anyone can name that tune I’d be grateful!), the roads and schools were closed, the kids stayed home and my lovely restful day doing ‘me’ stuff was put on hold.

See you same time next week my ‘day off’.

February’s Mission

Such fun pink badgeAside from my back going twang and the rest of the family going down with the lurgy, January was a very positive month for me.   I got lots done, I started decluttering, I’ve been crafting, I’ve gained new skills and things are going well.

I need to carry on this positivity and keep the momentum going.   I still have more sorting out to do, particularly my email, and there are always crafty WIPs to finish.   I want to set myself another couple of goals for February.
Firstly I want to get my Etsy shop relaunched.   I set it up in February last year, listed one item and then abandoned it.   Obviously it’s more advantageous for me to attract business through my Craftyguider site as I don’t have to pay fees to list there, but I hope that Etsy will help me reach more people.   Hopefully by the end of the month I’ll have a selection of products listed.
trainersSecondly I want to get fitter and start losing weight again.   I’m supposed to be following a Slimming World plan but my weight fluctuates up and down because I’m not strict enough.   I want to shed the last bit of weight I need to shift, and also get a bit more exercise, in particular, starting pilates to strengthen my back so it won’t go twang again!
Camp BlanketAnd finally, I am going to finish my mending, and sewing badges onto the Craftyguidelets’ badge blankets.   I might even get a couple onto mine, but I am 7 years behind so I don’t anticipate on completing this one!

What do you hope to achieve in February?

January Review

And just like that, it’s the 31st January!   One month of 2014 has passed and the next 11 months are stretched out ahead, full of promise.   On the whole it’s been a good January for me.   I’ve felt a lot better (apart from putting my back out in the last few days), I’ve made decisions on what I want to do with the business and my blogging, and I’m in a positive frame of mind.
circle SBSJanuary started really well for me.   A couple of days after my birthday, I won a retweet from Theo Paphitis, and my twitter feed exploded with new followers and good wishes.
handmade birthday card flowers and butterflyI managed to get my craft on and make cards, get some scrapbook layouts made, finish some decoupage and get some sewing done.   It’s the most creative I’ve been for a long time.
crochet samplerI’ve also started crochet lessons which is something I’ve wanted to do for a couple of years now.   My doubles and trebles lesson was a bit more successful than my tea gloves lesson.   Perhaps it’s because I don’t drink tea, I just don’t have the tea gloves gene in me.
paper storageProbably my greatest achievement is to get more organised.   My magazine mountain is now a foothill, and several WIPs have been completed.   I’ve got a long way to go still, but with each mini breakthrough, I feel more weight coming off my shoulders.

How was your January?

Handmade Update

decopage bake sign


I’ve had a very productive few days.   I have organised, crafted, planned Brownie badges with eldest Craftyguidelet (Craft badge is first!) and decluttered.   However this morning I managed to throw my back out.   I was emptying the waste paper basket of all things!
decopage basicsAs we are having some work done on the house, I couldn’t go back to bed so I have been stuck at the kitchen table with my ibuprofen and heat pad.   I did manage to get my decoupage papers and mod podge out and I’ve managed to complete my “bake” sign for my kitchen.   I used the Hobbycraft Deco Mache papers which are really pretty, and chose the colours to go with my handmade place mats which use Cath Kidston spotty fabric.

What I really needed to do today was photograph and list my new handmade cards.
decoupage flowersOn Sunday I had a play with some Anna Griffin papers.   Look at the wonderful vintage images of flowers I was working with.   I’ve got a huge pile of cards to list for all sorts of occasions so keep an eye on the website.

This is one of my favourites.   I love the blue tones on this birthday card.
handmade birthday card flowers and butterflyI also used some of my craft themed supplies.   This one uses a Sizzix die for the mannequin and some swirl dies that I bought a long time ago and have never used.
handmade card mannequin detailI have also been doing my crochet homework.   Regular readers would’ve read about my lesson with Jean-Mary at Betty Makes where she managed to tame my disobedient crochet hands into yarn holding, treble making, crochet wannabees.
crochet samplerStill a bit wobbly, but look!   It’s crochet!   I haven’t counted my stitches or rows, but I think the technique is coming.
crochet edgingI’ve even tried the edging.   It’s loops!   The pattern became a bit of a foreign language after this so it’s not got much further.   Jean-Mary says I need to treble in my loops.   Hmmm.   Might get a translation and a few pointers tonight if my back will let me go to my lesson.

I’ve also managed to keep up my decluttering in January.   I’m still on track with my challenge to recycle a magazine a day.   The pile is going down.   I won’t have finished a WIP a week though unless I get a sudden surge of creativity in the next few days, but I am getting more organised.
paper storageMy loose crafting papers were in a box that was too heavy to get down from the shelf every time I made a card.   I managed to clear a space in a filing cabinet by turfing out some obsolete Guiding paperwork, and put the papers into files by colour.   I might actually use them now!   I’ve also sorted through my 12″x12″ scrapbooking papers and managed to do 3 scrapbook layouts.   No pics as I generally use photos of the Craftyguidelets in my scrapbooking, but it’s been really nice to have a look through images of them as babies (yes, I’m that far behind!).

It’s been a really productive January, so hopefully my back will clear up quickly and I can carry on.   I’ve got plans for February too to keep 2014 as a positive year for change.

Linking with Handmade Harbour’s Handmade Monday.

Lili of the Valley Stamp Cards

The beginning of 2011 was busy for babies amongst family and friends.   One friend’s little boy has already celebrated his 3rd birthday, and two more are coming up in the next week. This gave me the excuse to use my Lili of the Valley stamps.   They are such fantastic quality stamps, and always give a clear image to work with.

LOTV Pirate Card


Lili of the Valley produce really cute images and I love this little pirate making his dog walk the plank.   Because I was colouring the image with promarkers, I used my memento ink pad so the outline didn’t bleed.   I mat and layered with some nautical papers from my stash and accented with a starfish and a Craftwork Cards sentiment.

LOTV Girl and Cakes Card


The colours on this card were inspired by the background paper.   The cute little girl and her cupcakes were again coloured in using promarkers and accented with an aqua grosgrain polka dot ribbon.

I still have another 3 year old to make a card for next month, and I’m sure I’ll make up some more for other occasions during the year.   I have some lovely wedding and baby images in particular that I love, and I might just treat myself to a few new designs.

Linking to Handmade Monday and the Lili of the Valley Monthly Challenge.

Beginners Crochet Class at Betty Makes

Red floral crochet hook roll

For the last few years I have wanted to learn to crochet.   I own about 10 hooks for some reason, I’ve got the books, I’ve made a crochet hook roll, but I’ve never progressed very far.

A couple of years ago I met up with Jean-Mary (@meanyjar) at a craft show.   We had been tweeting for some time, and after some retail therapy, we sat down for some lunch.   After a chat, she set about trying to teach me some crochet.   To say my hands were not designed for crochet was an understatement.   Just holding the yarn was a problem, holding the hook wasn’t much better, and then moving the hook…you get the picture.

Despite this experience, Jean-Mary went on to open Betty Makes to teach her crafty skills to others.   I signed up for her crochet course which takes students from beginners, learning new skills and stitches, through to the granny square.

Lesson one started with picking up a small sample of crochet already started by Jean-Mary and working doubles into it.   Having someone else’s stitches to work into was a lot easier than my first foray where my tight foundation chain was not having any of it.   A couple of rows of doubles later, (and holding the yarn properly for the first time ever!) I was doing trebles.   The satisfaction as my wonky, uneven mini sample grew was fantastic.

beginner crochet sampler


Next we moved on to working from a pattern.   I have discovered that it is hard to count to 29 when you are busy chatting and drinking tea, but my pot holder is growing nicely, albeit having gone down to 23 stitches somewhere!

beginner crochet pot holder


The cost of the course includes the hook, pattern and wool, so I have 2 weeks to practice my neatness and counting at home, before I go back and learn more.   Next lesson includes making some tea gloves.   Depending on my technique, I’ll either wear them myself or end up giving them to the kids if I drop too many stitches!

Are you learning a new skill in 2014?