My last blog post was on the 26th November. It was about having lots to do but needing to concentrate on the important stuff, which is kind of what I am blogging about today. It’s the important stuff I’ve been concentrating on for the last few weeks as I’ve been struck down by coughs, colds, snotty nose, tonsillitis, fever, and lots of other cold symptoms, one after the other. Just as I was getting to the end of these, I cut my thumb on some Barbie packaging and it got infected. This all meant an enforced period of not doing much whilst I tried to get well again.

I haven’t had time or energy to blog about my handmade Christmas decorations and I made very few Christmas presents (apart from this one with the Craftyguidelets for Mr CG).
Quick scrabble coaster tutorial:
1. Get 2 girls (aged 4 3/4 and 7)
2. Buy 2 scrabble sets from charity shops
3. Play with the letters.
4. Veto most of their word choices due to spelling/not enough letters in the boxes/the wrong amount of letters to make a square/complete gibberish
5. Come up with five 5 letter words
6. Hot glue them together and to a piece of stiff card
7. Bind round the edge with a piece of satin ribbon attached with hot glue, and you are done.
For January, I am going to try and get a few things done. I’ve started a Q&A a day journal, along with the Craftyguidelets.
January 1st’s question was “What is your mission?”. My response was “To do! Less procrastination, more doing.” So I am blogging and setting myself a couple of goals for January.
The first is to recycle one magazine a day. I flick through magazines, then I read them and then I should rip out the bits I want to keep and recycle the rest. This part doesn’t get done enough so I want to clear 31 magazines by the end of January. This will clear the magazine mountain in my craft area.
The second task is to complete one craft kit a week. I have lots saved from magazines, Crafty Creatives boxes and gifts, as well as all the WIPs I have scattered around. They need doing so tonight I will be joining in #creativesunite on twitter and doing a bit of Christmas cross stitch. Hopefully another space will be cleared in my craft area.
What are your plans for 2014?