July, you are history. You were good, but I guess it was never meant to last. Our 31 days together had it’s ups and downs, but I’ve moved on. I’m with August now and we’ve got plans.
As I type this, I am waiting for the imminent arrival of baby nephew for a sleepover. July, you never met him. It seems a bit premature in my relationship with August to make introductions to my extended family so soon, but the timings of things just happen like that.
August and I also have plans for husband’s birthday to share together. The Craftyguidelets have big designs for a birthday cake that will put Master Baker and Confectioner Grandad to shame if it comes off. What they plan to do with a pack of icing and a gluten free cake recipe will have them on Bake Off before you know it.
Ah, the Craftyguidelets will miss you July. The month in which they left their old classes at the end of term. And we’ll always have the week in Cornwall that we shared. We won’t forget you as we get the photos printed off to put in their school topic books. And Brownie Craftyguidelet will put together the evidence for her Friend to Animals badge and Gardener badge that she worked so hard for with your glorious sunshine to inspire her.
August has also promised me more time for crafting. I need to get the shop sales up so I can meet my fundraising target for the year. I also want to create for me and you just didn’t allow me enough spare time for that. I’m also going to spend more time with the Craftyguidelets. Lots of day trips are planned to keep them busy, and loom band sessions for when I need to be busy!
So July, we will always remember you, and perhaps a break of 12 months or so will strengthen our relationship to give it another go.
Craftyguider x